
香的動詞不是這樣用吧 …… 可是,一夥人一起鑑賞香水,的確比一個人來得更快樂,更能啟迪靈感。我寫香評,因此我不相信坊間的香評;我只相信真實的聞嗅、描述的準繩、分享的樂趣、美感的賞析……才是香水整體賦予的意義。跟同樣喜歡香水、沉迷到不能自拔的香水朋友你一言、我一語地交流,是快樂的時光。姑且容許我稱這夥一同漫步尋香路上、極度迷戀香水的朋友為Fragrant Voyagers — 「重惜馨友」。



The Fragrant Voyagers 重惜馨友

The Fragrant Voyagers重惜馨友

New Event 最新活動


Guerlain and Moët Hennessy Diageo cordially invite you and your plus one to an unparalleled scented journey to awaken all your senses.

Indulge in the exquisite pairing experience, merging the artistry of Guerlain’s celebrated perfumes with the excellence of Moët Hennessy Diageo’s premier wines.

Each guest will enjoy a personalized fragrance consultation to discover your signature scent and receive a fragrance discovery kit to continue the olfactory exploration.

*RSVP with Belle @ the Fragrant Voyage (www.bellelam.com) is required on or before 13 Sep 2024. Quotas are available based on first-come-first-served basis. Participants must be aged 18 or above. Please drink responsibly.

Guerlain和Moët Hennessy Diageo誠邀您與摯友展開一場獨一無二的香氛感官之旅。

品嚐法國嬌蘭藝術沙龍系列香氛傑作與Moët Hennessy Diageo旗下精選美酒之間的絕妙配搭。同時可尊享個人化香氛諮詢服務,尋找您的專屬香氣。完成後,每人可獲贈香氛體驗禮品乙份。

*活動需於2024年9月13日或之前與Belle @ the Fragrant Voyage (www.bellelam.com) 預約。名額有限,額滿即止。參加者必須年滿18歲。請理性享用美酒。

Date: 26 Sep 2024 (Thu)
Time: 4pm – 6pm | 6pm – 8pm
Venue: Times Square VIC Lounge (Suite 1505, Tower One)
Free admission

日期 : 26 Sep 2024 (星期四)
時間 : 4pm – 6pm | 6pm – 8pm
地點: 時代廣場VIC貴賓室 (1座1505室)

RSVP 立即預約 (Whatsapp)

Past Events 部分過去活動

Private Appreciation Sessions 私人小香聚

Private Appreciation Sessions私人小香聚

Collaboration with Brands 與品牌合作

Collaboration with Brands與品牌合作

Collaboration with Shops 與名店合作

Collaboration with Shops與名店合作

Mini Perfume Bazaar

Multi-media & Cross-cultural experiences